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How To Easily Have A Flat Belly Using These Tips And Tricks


Is It Hard to Achieve A Flat Belly

Having a flat belly is everyone’s dream. It isn’t so hard to achieve it, you just need a strong will to do it.

And a lot of persistence of course.

Combining healthy diet and exercise will surely lead you to your goal eventually, but, there are also few tricks in the sleeve for those who are not so crazy about workouts.

And the answer for the question “Is it hard to achieve a flat belly” is :

No, it’s not so hard.

how to have flat belly in no time

Tips and Tricks To Flatten Your Belly

Read these lines carefully, as you may find helpful info just as initial boost to your project called ” Flat Belly Achievement”.

Become A Probiotic Fan

Having your gut colonized with beneficial types of bacteria is very important, and one of the ways to do this is by taking probiotic supplements.

It will help you get sick less, feel much happier and ease digestion, but it can also help you de-bloat, flattening out your tummy in the process.

What are probiotics

Probiotics are live bacteria and yeasts that are good for your health, especially for your digestive system. They are often called “good” or “helpful” bacteria because they help keeping your gut healthy.

What do they do

Probiotics help move food through your gut, and researchers are still trying to figure out which are best ones for certain health problems.

Some common conditions they treat are:

  • Irritable bowel syndrome
  • Inflammatory bowel disease (IBD)
  • Infectious diarrhea (caused by viruses, bacteria, or parasites)
  • Antibiotic-related diarrhea

Some people say they had a good help with:

  • Skin conditions, like eczema
  • Urinary and vaginal health
  • Preventing allergies and colds
  • Oral health

Should you use them

It is good to talk to your doctor first, in order to make sure they’re OK for you.

In some cases, mild side effects might include upset stomach, diarrhea, gas and bloating for the first couple of days after you start using them.

It is not excluded they may also trigger some allergic reactions. If you experience such side effects, stop taking them immediately and talk to your doctor if you have any problems.

flat tummy

Lose The Salt On Your Table

Salt, used in moderation is healthy as the mineral is necessary for maintaining a healthy heart and brain. But, you should be aware that too much salt retain water and you’ll bloat up like a balloon.

Cutting on salt is one of the primary ways to drop extra weight.

And have a flat belly.

Why is this happening

Because when you start a diet and you cut on salt intake, surplus water is released and you start losing weight – so called : water weight.

So, you better move the salt shaker off the table and avoid routinely salting your food. 

It is the first thing to do if you want to have a flat belly.

avoid salt for flat tummy

Stop Chewing Gum

Did you know that chewing gum can cause a belly bloat?

Many people have this habit of chewing gum as a way to block cravings or prevent routine eating. Unfortunately, this tactic may cause an unfortunate side effect: having a belly bloat.

While chewing, everyone naturally swallows a small amount of air which causes gas and bloating.

In addition, some artificial sweeteners present in chewing gums have been shown to increase your appetite for junk food, so you’ll easily increase your waistline.

flat belly

Cut The Beer

It isn’t called a “beer belly” for no reason.

Consuming bubbly drinks are major cause of belly bloat, and everyone can prove this by looking themselves in the mirror after couple of them consumed.

What does alcohol do

Alcohol may lead to overgrowth of bad bacteria in your stomach leading to gas, and not to mention all the empty calories digested.

It is very easy to ruin your waistline from drinking too much.

What to do

Skip alcohol.

Simple as that.

beer belly

Sugary Cravings – Lose The Thought

Sugary treats that are simply irresistible and delicious, aren’t very good for maintaining flat tummies.

On a long run, added calories will ruin your waistline, and sugar overload will make your body store extra fat.

Sugar also bloats your tummy feeding the bad bacteria causing you extra gas.

Bottom line: When it comes to flattening your belly, lose the sugar!

avoid sugar for belly fat

Check Your Hormones

It is good to check your hormones once in a while.

Maybe bloating is due to the fact that you’ve just enter a menopause, or you may have thyroid disorder problems.

Let your doctor check you out and determine the cause.

Solve Constipation

Bloating and swelling in your stomach may lead to have constipation problems which are highly pleasant.

Regulate your poop and you will lessen bloated symptoms in no time.

Avoid Processed Foods

Processed foods are one of the biggest sources of salt and the scary part is you probably don’t even realize it.

Salt is hidden in everything starting from soups and pasta sauces, to even sweet things like boxed cakes.

Avoid processed foods at any costs and turn your attention towards fresh fruits and veggies instead.

Your tummy will thank you.

avoid processed foods

Reconsider Drinking Choices

If you want a flatten tummy – look what is in your glass.

Is it milk there or probably a soda?

Those two are major causes of tummy inflammation, especially if you have reduced ability to digest lactose.

And when it comes to soda, it is a belly buster as they use sweeteners and carbonation.

Try eliminating these two from your diet and see if it helps flatten your tummy faster.

Fill Up The Fruit Bowl

Fill up the bowl with all sorts of fruits so you can start the day with a healthy smoothie.

Choosing fruits like berries, cherries, apples, and oranges is perfectly good idea as they are high in quercetin, a natural compound that reduces inflammation in the belly.

fresh fruits for flat belly

Spice It Up

Spice it up a little bit!

Choosing fennel, peppermint and ginger are perfect to calm your belly.

How do they work

They are enhancing digestive enzymes so your food gets moved through your system faster, and in return it means flatter belly.

Peppermint reduces cramping and gas, ginger helps with nausea and inflammation, and fennel is a diuretic to help you stop retaining water.

spices for flat belly

Improve Your Body Posture

Stand up straight!

Straighten your spine and don’t slouch to roll out your belly. You will look taller and thinner in the belly area.

Improve your body posture!

Less TV and Social Nets


Don’t just lay down on your couch and watch TV all day long. Don’t you know that your phone, tablet and television may be affecting your waist size in more ways?

When sitting to much you are not burning digested calories, and you are easily getting more weight.

Stick To Fiber Foods And Have Flat Belly

Fruits, vegetables and whole grains, particularly those high in soluble fiber, have been proven to reduce fat around the stomach.

In addition, these foods will fill you up, so you will eat less, feel fuller and flatten your belly over time.

fiber foods for flat belly

Quit Smoking

What reason do you need to quit smoking once and for all?

Smoking can making you fat.


How is that possible??

People who smoke have higher concentration of fat around their midsection, and once they stop smoking, they have big hunger cravings as a substitute of nicotine.

quit smoking

Get IBS Treatment

IBS, or irritable bowel syndrome, is the most common gastrointestinal disorder. IBS symptoms include nausea, diarrhea, constipation, stomach pain and bloating.

Too much bloating.


  • Muscle contractions in the intestine
  • Nervous system
  • Inflammation in the intestines
  • Severe infection
  • Changes in bacteria in the gut

While the causes aren’t all known, it’s thought to be linked to lifestyle factors like diet, exercise, hormones and stress.

What triggers it

  • Food
  • Stress
  • Hormones


  • Abdominal pain, cramping or bloating that is typically relieved or partially relieved by passing a bowel movement
  • Excess gas
  • Diarrhea or constipation — sometimes alternating bouts of diarrhea and constipation
  • Mucus in the stool

Are you experiencing any of these?

Considering Surgery…

This should be the last one on your list of choices to flatten your tummy. Would you put yourself to all that recovery process?

Rather exercise and have a healthy diet!

flat belly






The post How To Easily Have A Flat Belly Using These Tips And Tricks appeared first on 1body1health.

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