Guest Post by Martin Kelvin
How To Fix Poor Posture
When you fix poor posture, it doesn’t only make you more beautiful or handsome, but it also saves you from tons of health conditions that cause unbearable pain and discomfort, especially a back pain due to bad posture.
Yes, people with great posture look amazing while walking, sitting and lying down, apart from feeling energetic all the time.
Nowadays, most people claim that they do not get time for themselves.
However, even though if you live a very busy life, you can’t make that an excuse for your poor physical fitness.
It’s all up to you, if you want something badly you can definitely achieve that. All you have to do is learn the art of prioritizing your life.
Make your own to-do list and keep your fitness goals at the top
However, creating a to-do list alone is not enough until you work toward it. So, spend some time in figuring out ways of accomplishing the things that matter most to you.
Keep watching videos that talk about interesting fitness success stories to keep your enthusiasm up.
You must have that killer instinct, otherwise, you may find it hard to achieve your goals.
The one thing that you must be aware of is fitness goals can’t be achieved over night, you have to keep working in that direction constantly for months or even years.
And once you achieve your goals, you have to make sure that you need to maintain them.
Conditions like back pain and neck pain are often caused by poor posture, a condition that mainly occurs due to improper sitting patterns.
According to Greater Baton Rouge PT, a Louisiana-based physical therapy clinic, “Often, the primary problems causing your neck pain are tightened muscles and poor posture from daily stress, sitting at computers, and inactivity.”
So, if you have a terrible posture, here are some really important tips for improving it.
Focus on Core Strengthening
Half of the problems that you face due to your poor posture can be fixed easily if you incorporate core strengthening exercises into your fitness plan.
If you want to fix poor posture, you should know that weak abdominal muscles put enormous stress on your spine, so it’s better to work on them.
However, you must know that core strengthening doesn’t only help in strengthening your abdominal muscles, it also improves the muscles on your back and around the pelvis.
The stronger your core muscles are the healthier you will feel, so incorporate core strengthening exercises such as knee fold tuck, oblique reach, side balance crunch, sliding pike, and lunge with a twist in your fitness plan.
However, every time you start off with your fitness sessions make sure that you focus on warm-ups.
Another important thing that you must follow is to finish your sessions with cool-downs.
In addition to that, running and walking is also very good for your health. So, take out some time from your busy schedule for running and walking.
Physical Therapy – The Best Way To Fix Poor Posture
Over the years physical therapy has shown tremendous positive results when it comes to dealing with poor posture.
A physical therapist focuses on improving your posture by including a number of effective exercises on your treatment plan.
And the best part is that, if you are struggling with a musculoskeletal condition because of your poor posture, they will treat it effectively.
Use an Ergonomic Chair
If you spend a lot of time in sitting, make sure that you use a quality chair for it.
There is no denying the fact that, prolonged sitting is one of the most important causes of poor posture, so use an ergonomic chair both at your workplace and at home.
You can observe a significant amount of change in your posture within a few months itself if you use an ergonomic chair.
Change Your Position Frequently
Even if you use a comfortable chair, it’s important to change your position frequently. So, take frequent tea and coffee breaks, so that you can walk a little bit.
If possible, try to stretch your body and move your head forward and backward a couple of times.
People who do not change their position frequently end up struggling with pain and discomfort
Sit Correctly While Driving
Whether you talk about long road trips or covering short distances, it’s physical therapy your vehicle.
So, keep your back straight and adjust the headrest accordingly to maintain a perfect position. During long road trips, make sure that you take frequent breaks to stretch your body.
Maintain An Ideal Posture While Sleeping
Since you spend approximately 7-8 hours while sleeping, maintaining an incorrect position and further worsen your posture.
Irrespective of how you sleep, on your back, side or stomach, offering support to your body with pillows can bring a world of difference in your condition.
For example, if you are someone who sleeps on their back, make sure that you place a pillow under your knees. It helps a lot.
However, when you place a pillow under your knees, make sure that you also place one under your head.
Similarly, if you love sleeping on your stomach, then it’s important for you to position a pillow under it, to offer it the necessary support.
And since, sleeping on the stomach is one of the worst ways to sleep, if possible try to change this habit.
On the other hand, people who prefer sleeping on their side must keep a pillow between their knees.
It offers a great support to your body. Having good night’s sleep is very important for providing relaxation to your spine, otherwise, you will continue to struggle with pain.
Change Your Mattress Once In A Decade
If you have been using your mattress for more than 10-years now, perhaps it’s time to change it.Changing a mattress once in a decade is applicable in the case of those pieces, which are of high quality.
It means, if you do not have a high-quality mattress, then you need to change it before a decade.
Focus on Your Breathing
It’s hard to believe that breathing can also affect your posture, but it’s true.Yes, the kind of position that you maintain while breathing can bring a world of difference in your health.
Experts believe that by performing breathing exercises regularly your posture can improve very quickly.
While carrying out breathing exercises, you have to engage your core muscles and waist muscles to seek quick results.
In addition to that, there are a variety of breathing exercises that help in lengthening your spine.
In short, if you want to improve the quality of your life and fix poor posture, you should start considering to enhance your physical fitness in the first place.
Otherwise, you’ll always face many health problems due to bad body posture.
Author Bio
Martin is a writer, student and pet lover. He loves butter chicken, and seeing his small pug, naughty Annie. When he isn’t writing, you can find him at near Starbucks.
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